After receiving several spontaneous requests, we decided to offer our assistance to help you understand, save time and decipher surrogacy in Canada so that you can make informed decisions, and move forward more efficiently and calmly.
We have developed "information packs" to save you time and energy in your research, while allowing you to make more effective decisions without forgetting anything.
-PACK 1: Quotes and advice to choose the best clinic (download below) .
To prevent you from having to contact an inconsiderate number of clinics to compare prices, we have put together the up-to-date quotes from 9 fertility clinics in Canada to give you access to this important information for your budget, as well as the advice / points to absolutely know before choosing a clinic.
This greatly simplifies the task because contacting each clinic takes a long time and video consultations with clinics are mostly paid (sometimes including access to quotes). So this then allows you to contact only the clinics that can match you.
Le guide pratique de la GPA au Canada: 100 questions/réponses sans filtre (téléchargez ci-dessous).
Vous débutez tout juste dans vos recherches dans le parcours de la GPA au Canada. Vous pensez qu’une montagne se dresse devant vous (à juste titre) et vous vous posez des milliers de questions. Argent, délais, agences et cliniques, subtilités et astuces… Pour vous accompagner, nous avons élaboré un guide sans filtre pour vous aider à y voir plus clair sur tous les aspects de parcours de GPA au Canada. Voici les réponses à toutes les questions que vous vous posez — et celles, toutes aussi importantes, que vous ne vous posez pas encore.
Getting started in a surrogacy project (in Canada or elsewhere) requires :
> time (you have to contact the agencies, clinics, ask for quotes, read a lot to navigate ...)
> a lot of energy (it is often necessary to revive the interlocutors who receive hundreds of requests and the multiplication of organizations to contact leads to the multiplication of contacts)
> a minimum of knowledge of English (it is possible to get by without, even if it is more difficult, especially for the first video contacts with agencies and clinics for which oral communication is essential)