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Here is the list of the main agencies with whom we contacted during our Canadian journey.


On the one hand, donor agencies, on the other those that match you with carriers (knowing that most do both through subsidiaries!)

Surrogacy agencies 


This is the agency we went through. It is a small structure on a human scale and with a lot of reactivity, which corresponded to our philosophy (rather than a larger agency, which also has its advantages).

This agency is run by Nathan Chan and mainly helps LGBTQ couples and singles (but also some straight couples).  

We immediately hooked up with him, that's also why we chose him. Nathan has always been very available and serious with us. He is also very honest and frank in his communication, so he doesn't hesitate to say things that are sometimes difficult to hear ...   We have a hard time at first but eventually he  has always been caring and with one goal  : that our project succeed  (which was the case).


The Proud Fertility agency also offers donor profiles and it is through this that we found ours.

The site in French can be found here:


The agency is also helping us for our second route.  


If you make contact, specify in the contact form of the site that you come from Sébastien and Julien (always good to be recommended). We can also send him an email, it always makes contact easier.


New agency launched and run by a former surrogate mother (four times). We do not have more precise information except that the agency seems to have already helped a few French couples (that the prices and the waiting time to be put in touch with a carrier seem to be average).



Babies Come True est une agence facilitatrice dans le parcours de la GPA au Canada. Concrètement, il s’agit d’une conciergerie / “super” agence qui aide à naviguer dans le parcours et entre tous les interlocuteurs et surtout qui vous aide à choisir la meilleure agence de donneuse d'ovocytes et la meilleure agence de porteuse pour vous, en fonction de votre situation personnelle.


Cet accompagnement personnalisé par un coordinateur attitré tout au long du parcours permet aussi de se poser toutes les bonnes (et les mauvaises) questions, d’éviter d’éviter certains pièges, d’avoir accès à des options exclusives et aussi de ne jamais être seul !


Important: tout l’accompagnement peut se faire en Français ! Il s’agit d’une bonne option pour ceux qui parlent peu ou pas Anglais (même si ce n'est pas une agence de traduction) et ceux qui se sentent complètement perdus et qui veulent être être guidés.


Bon à savoir: le coût du service d’accompagnement de l’agence peut être en partie rentabilisé car les membres profitent de réductions auprès de certaines agences, des avocats, etc.


A noter que Babies Come True est également intermédiaire pour la mise en relation directe rapide avec les cliniques Victory Reproductive Center, Anova et Create (service gratuit).


Pour prise de contact 

-Directement par email en cliquant ici.


Hacks up as the very first surrogate matchmaking agency in Canada - the founder saw herself as the first surrogate mother in this country. Agency with a good reputation. We had skyped with them, without leaving us any particular memory (good or bad) because no feeling on our side.



It is the most important agency in Canada, it is a bit of the big machine, based in Toronto but which shines throughout the country. Most foreign couples work with them, with more or less positive feedback (but the number of feedback is also proportional to the volume).

Personally, we hadn't hooked  with them because it is precisely a large structure and the service appeared to us to be much less personalized and not as responsive as a smaller agency (in any case, this is our personal feeling).

But we know couples who have worked with CFC and for whom things have gone well.  


Due to the strong demand, the waiting times  can take a long time to be put in contact with a surrogate mother (more than a year according to the last feedback we have had) but it all depends on the particular cases.

Medium-sized agency with a good reputation. We had had good contact with them. Nothing more to report.


It is an agency with a separate concept  : we pay fees to become "  member  »To have access to a database of surrogate mothers, without this agency providing a priori real assistance and follow-up (it is the connection). Clear  : everyone manages. It is not very clearly explained when you consult the website so be careful.

Personally, the concept did not appeal to us at all.

Egg donor agencies 

In most donor agencies, you only need to register for free access to a donor database.

We then enter their criteria (physical, but also on the anonymity or not of the donor). The payment of agency fees is requested for "  to confirm  »The choice of a donor.


It is the subsidiary of the Proud Fertility agency and with which  we chose our donor.

This agency works differently from the others: it listens to you and collects your precise criteria to send you the profiles that correspond to you (no database with search fields, therefore, but rather a "  offer  More personalized). Note that the agency offers several donors "  known  », Therefore non-anonymous).


The site in French is here:


It is the subsidiary of the CSO carrier agency.


It is the subsidiary of the CFC carrier agency.


New agency that wants to stand out by offering reduced fees (so perhaps interesting even if we have had no feedback on this agency  - therefore caution).


Warning  : it seems that some large agencies sometimes display donor profiles  which are in fact not available at the time you are viewing them. So when it comes time to confirm (and therefore pay the fees), the donor is suddenly no longer available. This has happened to us on several occasions (before we chose a profile through the Proud Fertility affiliate).

So ask the agencies before validating your choice and paying the fees, whatever your choice of agency!

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